WBM will be CLOSED staring Tuesday, Dec. 24th & reopening at 8am Thursday, Jan. 2nd
Appointments: 262-355-8010
WBM will be CLOSED staring Tuesday, Dec. 24th & reopening at 8am Thursday, Jan. 2nd
Appointments: 262-355-8010
While large corporate medical systems may be good at something, we at West Bend Medical believe that quality primary medical care starts with knowing you.
We believe that providing excellent primary care starts with a relationship. The doctor and staff should know the patient, know their history, know their story. The patient should know their medical team, trust them, and believe in them no matter what health ups and downs they may face. It is this relationship that allows us to provide high quality medical care tailored to the needs of you and your family. We view you as a person, not a number or a revenue stream.
We have opened West Bend Medical to allow us to be flexible in our approach to medicine. We know that most doctors and staff are tired of the one size fits all approach to medicine, and we want to show patients that there is another way. If this appeals to you, we invite you to visit us.
If you have an idea to make us better, please tell us – we want to be there for you and your family whatever challenges you face on your journey to better health.
The Physicians and Staff at West Bend Medical
Meet each of our Family Practice Physicians. Learn about who they are, why they practice medicine and get a glimpse at what they do in their free time. Find the best doc for you!